+39 06 4462766

There are many reasons to go to boarding school. The academics, the athletics and the extracurricular activities are just a few considerations. Fulbright College shares these considerations and its boarding facility, Martin House, is a wonderfully caring community that seeks to provide even more:

 Martin House Boarding aims:

  • To provide a secure, caring environment where each boarder receives the attention  and support he/she needs.
  • To create an open and trusting atmosphere where each boarder learns to value truth  and respect for others.
  • To make boarders feel the same confidence and comfort, as far as possible, as they  do at home.
  • To provide the opportunities for each boarder to develop his/her intellectual talents.
  • To provide opportunities for each boarder to develop physically, socially, culturally  and morally.
  • To develop boarders’ qualities of leadership, ability to work as part of a team and  personal responsibility.
  • To encourage boarders to integrate fully within the life of the College.
  • To safeguard and promote the welfare of each boarder, by providing an  environment that is, as far as possible, free from physical hazards and dangers.
  • To provide accommodation which is comfortable and suited to the needs of   boarders, according to age and maturity, and which provides adequate levels of privacy.

Fulbright College’s Martin House provides an international boarding facility for students in grades 7-12. (maximum capacity as of today: 50) The layout of Martin House creates a family environment and fosters a close relationship between students and their resident house parents. The dormitory consists of two separate dorm houses and a recreation building.

Facilities available for student use include: a kitchenette equipped with a refrigerator, oven, stove, microwave and utensils; washers and dryers; a house lounge with TV/DVD; a recreation area with TV/DVD, piano room, and ping-pong tables. Nearby, there are also outdoor facilities including a tennis court, basketball court and soccer field. Dorm students are encouraged to use these facilities and to take care of them. Student rooms are furnished with beds and mattresses, desks, chairs, bookcases, chests of drawers, and closet space.

Dormitory parents expect behaviors of students conducive to a group-living situation. While a cleaning staff cleans common areas on a regular basis, dorm students keep their own room neat and share in other household responsibilities. The dormitory policies are rigidly enforced to promote respect for each person’s welfare and property. In addition, dormitory parents expect dormitory students to put forth their best efforts academically and to practice self-discipline, sound judgment, and good manners.

Dormitory parents are committed to making students’ living situations friendly, warm and caring. They strive to make Martin House more than just a place to sleep and study; they want it to be a second home to dormitory students. They hope dorm students will feel comfortable interacting with dorm parents and contributing to make Martin House an ideal community of students from a variety of backgrounds.

Boarding Fees

Monthly Fee €550  ( without meals )
€750  ( with meals )

A non-refundable dormitory reservation fee of €250 is required of each boarder in the spring of each year to book a boarder’s space in the dorm. Students who withdraw early must pay his or her space for the full semester. Dormitory meals will be managed by Fulbright Kitchen.

Boarding Program Application

Please download the following:

Please note, your application will not be complete until the school has received the following items:

  1. Completed School Application form.
  2. Enrollment Agreement.
  3. Signed Copy of Martin House Placement Request.
  4. Two (2) recommendation letters.
  5. Photo copy of passport (including pages with relevant visas).
  6. Two passport size photos for each applicant.
  7. School Application fee
  8. School records – Past 2 years.
  9. Official transcripts for High School students.
  10. Standardized test results (TOFEL, IELTS, etc. if applicable).





I have the right to be happy in Boarding and to be treated with understanding. I have the responsibility to respect the rights of others and to treat them with understanding. Bullying, verbal abuse.
I have a right to feel safe and secure. I have a responsibility not to do anything which may threaten or cause danger to myself or others and to report any dangerous situation. Fighting, daring, some practical jokes, leaving Boarding without authorisation or leaving my unit after ‘lock-up’.
I have a right to be treated with respect and fairness. I have a responsibility to treat all Staff and Boarders with respect and honesty. Lack of courtesy, lying.
I have a right to learn. I have a responsibility to behave myself in Boarding and to keep up to date with my academic programme. Disruptive behaviour, and being unprepared for Prep.
I have a right to expect my property to be safe. I have a responsibility not to steal or damage the property of others, to take proper care of the School’s property, and to report all found property. I have the responsibility to clearly label all my personal property. Vandalism, stealing, graffiti writing, interfering with another person’s property. Keeping items that have been found.
I have a right to be protected against threats to my health. I have a responsibility not to smoke, drink alcohol or take drugs, or encourage any other Boarders to do so. Smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs.
I have a right to have a clean, pleasant, well maintained School and grounds. I have a responsibility to care of the School environment, to keep it neat and clean and free of litter. Littering, not cleaning my room, not doing duty.
I have a right to feel proud of being a Boarding student at Fulbright College. I have a responsibility to behave so the larger society will respect the Boarding community at Fulbright College. Unacceptable behaviour out of Boarding and at outside functions.



  1. A good standard of behaviour is expected at all times.
  2. Boarders are required to comply with instructions given to them by persons with authority within  the Boarding area (i.e. residential Staff, Duty Staff and Boarders with designated responsibilities).
  3. Except in special circumstances, no Boarder will be permitted to visit the units between 8.30am  and 3.20pm on normal school days. If it is necessary to return to Boarding, permission must be gained from a Boarding Staff member. No one else is able to give permission.
  4. While recognizing that friendships will naturally develop in a co-educational situation, no physical contact of an intimate nature is permitted in Boarding.


  1. No Boarding student may enter a unit or room of a Boarding student of the opposite sex. This also applies to Boarding camps or excursions with an overnight stay.
  2. No Boarder may leave his/her unit between lights out and the morning call unless with the permission of the Head of House. Boarding students may use the intercom system  available in each unit to contact Boarding Staff between lights out and morning call.
  3. Possession, supply or use of illegal or harmful drugs, the misuse of prescription drugs, or possession of drug taking implements while in Boarding, on Boarding excursions or at any other Boarding activity is strictly forbidden. Falsely representing harmless substances as illegal or harmful drug, or prescribed medication is also strictly forbidden.
  4. Boarders may not take video footage or photographs or other members of the Boarding community while in Boarding, on Boarding excursions or at any other Boarding activity without the permission of the other people involved. Boarders may not post video clips or photographs, taken in Boarding or on a related Boarding activity, on the internet (e.g. on YouTube) or pass them on electronically to others without the permission of a Staff  member.

Infringement of any of the above four rules will be viewed very seriously and could  lead to parents being asked to remove the Boarder from Boarding, and/or the School.

  1. Possession, supply or consumption of alcoholic drinks is not allowed in Boarding or at any Boarding function. Students may not be under the influence of alcohol when in Boarding and they may not have in their possession containers that have had alcoholic beverages in them. This includes times when students are travelling to or from agreed weekend hosts, other than when the Boarder has been collected by their parents.
  2. Smoking of cigarettes is not allowed in Boarding, or on Boarding activities or camps.
  3. The use of physical coercion or intimidation is not acceptable at any time.
  4. Boarders must respect the property of both the School and other students. No Boarder is to enter another’s room or touch or take equipment which does not belong to them, without   permission. Wardrobes have a lockable cupboard for each Boarder’s individual use.
  5. The intercom is only to be used after lights out. In the event of an emergency students should contact the Head of Boarding or their Head of House.
  6. All Boarders should be up and out of bed by 7.20am on School days.


All Boarders are responsible for keeping their rooms tidy. Rooms must be ready for inspection by 8.15am on weekdays. During weekends, rooms should be kept reasonably tidy at all times.

The following is a list of requirements for keeping a room tidy:

  1. Desk should be neat.
  2. The bin should be emptied before 8.15am each day.
  3. Clothes should be folded and arranged neatly on shelves.
  4. All shoes and sneakers should be put away on shelves or racks and not kept under beds.
  5. Beds should be made with covers neatly arranged.
  6. Towels should be hung on the towel rack, not left on the floor or hung in a doorway.
  7. All rubbish should be removed from the floor.
  8. Clothing should not be dried on the brick wall or outside the unit.
  9. Clothing should not be hung over walls or curtain rods.
  10. Dirty clothes for the Laundry should be put in the laundry basket. Underclothes should be stored in a closed basket.
  11. Furniture in the room must not be rearranged unless permission has been given by Boarding Staff. Only Grade 12 Boarders and Duty Seniors are permitted to rearrange the furniture in their rooms.
  12. Storage cupboards are to be kept neat and tidy.
  13. Roof storage areas are not to be used.
  14. No crockery or cutlery is to be removed from the Unit.


  1. All items must be taken to the Laundry by 7.30am.
  2. All hangers must be returned to the Laundry.
  3. All items of clothing should clearly be named with either sewn-on name tags or with laundry marking pen.

NB: Parents would be amazed at the number of unmarked, unclaimed articles of School uniform and other clothing which is disposed of at the end the year. We appeal to all parents to ensure that ALL clothing is clearly and permanently marked (especially socks) so that lost items can be returned to their rightful owner.


Boarders in Grades 9 to 12 may choose to have breakfast in the Dining Room.

  1. Breakfast, during the weekdays for all Junior Boarders (i.e. Year 7 and Year 8) is to be eaten in the Dining Room and is served at 7.30am.
  2. Boarders must wear full School uniform to breakfast in the Dining Room.
  3. Sportswear or casual clothing may be worn for weekend lunches.
  4. Neat, casual clothing will be worn to Sunday tea.
  5. If, in the opinion of the Duty Staff member, a Boarder’s attire is not suitable they will be sent back to their room and asked to return to the Dining Room dressed more appropriately.
  6. During weekdays, all Grade 12 Boarders and other Duty Seniors may enter the Dining Room ten minutes before the meal time.
  7. Good table manners are expected from everyone in the Dining Room. Grade 12 Boarders and other Duty Seniors are initially responsible for the behaviour and quietness of students at their table. On occasions they may need to ask for Duty Staff assistance.
  8. The Kitchen is an ‘out-of-bounds’ area. Requests for late or early teas must be put on the noticeboard in the Dining Room by  3.30pm.
  9. On returning from sporting activities, Boarders are to shower and dress before having their meal.
  10. Boarders requesting a late tea have 30 minutes to shower, change and eat dinner.


  1. Food and drink are not to be taken into the Common Rooms – except on Saturday  evenings.
  2. Students are not allowed to sit on the games tables.
  3. The Common Rooms are cleaned and vacuumed every Sunday night by a rostered unit.
  4. During week nights, the Common Room will be cleaned by a rostered unit.


  1. Good casual wear must be worn to meals in the Dining Room.
  2. In general, Boarders should wear tops to and from the beach.
  3. Footwear must be worn by Boarders if they move away from the Boarding area to the School’s Administration, classrooms or the gymnasium.
  4. Unnatural hair colours are not permitted.
  5. School Rules with regard to jewellery and body piercing apply in Boarding.


Boarders are advised to strictly adhere to School and Boarding rules. Any violations will be sufficient grounds for expulsion.